Day-2 my favourite places

I went out for having breakfast at
my favourite cafe ” Winchell’s “.
Clam Chowder $3.25
Donut & Coffee combo $2.50

Then, I visited my favourite park
” American Memorial Park “.
However, it is closed… What happend ?

I went shopping in Garapan. Actually,
I don’t like shopping, but I wanted to
escape from the hot weather…

lunch at the poolside cafe in
the Grandvrio Resort Hotel.
Sandwich & Iced coffee $7

knitting in my room in the evening
because of raining…

Supermarket $6.21

カテゴリー: 海外:Micronesia パーマリンク

Day-2 my favourite places への2件のフィードバック

  1. noriyuki18 より:

    I feel sorry. The web site says, American Memorial Park Closed Due to Typhoon Soudelor Damage
